Classic Tai Chi Music by Pat Clemence and The Silk Orchestra

Tai Chi Music

The Silk Orchestra presents this classic World Music CD for tai chi chu'an. Ideal track lengths for class or individual practice, as well as for international style competition and demonstration. Inspirational music for slower and more dynamic practice, as well as sabre and sword forms, pushing hands and breathing meditation. Featured on numerous Wu Style Tai Chi videos, this music is suitable for all styles of tai chi chu'an and the martial arts.

MP3 samples: Remembrance 108 (30 minute remix) | Cloud Hands (Slow Form) | Her Graceful Heart (Sword Form) | Tai Chi Waltz | Carry Tiger to the Mountain (Sabre Form)

Total Length : 73:18

The Silk Orchestra

This is the self-titled debut album by The Silk Orchestra. Inspired by the practice of tai chi chu'an and the martial arts, this all-Canadian World Beat / New Age ensemble recording features a blend of traditional Chinese instruments, electronic keyboards, voice & percussion. Fifteen songs, ranging in style from quietly contemplative to dynamic and energetic, explore the art of balance and harmony in this Eastern discipline.

MP3 samples: Mister Wu | Angel | Cassandra | Pagoda | Longnick (Sabre Form) | Yangste Bluegrass

Total Length : 55:46

Small Sky Breathmusic

Small Sky, Breathmusic was inspired by the practice of tai chi breathing, also know as "chi kung" or "qi gong". The music is designed to imitate the natural flow of breath along the body's hidden energy pathways, and to guide the listener into a more expansive breath awareness. It is my belief that this music is well-suited to accompany any form of conscious breathing, including meditation, yoga, reiki or massage.

MP3 samples: Intro (Pacing the Breath) | Smallsky Main Theme | Gentle Focus | Saving Grace | First Passage | Joy of a Constant Heart

Total Length : 63:33
